The Process
CE2 Studios (CE2) has extensive experience managing the entire process — from concept to production. We encourage clients to be apart of that process and we begin by asking a series of questions to better understand the project objective. Through our client meeting we get a better idea of the “look and feel” desired.
Print quotes are always requested at the onset of a project so clients will be better informed of the total cost involved in their project. CE2 can coordinate the printing for you or can prepare a disk for the printer of your choice.
Steps of the Design Process
Initial client meeting
Design/Print Quote*
Quote Approval
Approved Text and Photography Received from Client
Initial designs generated
First Comps to Client (2 to 3 design solutions)
Client Review and design direction determined
Final Revisions (Two rounds of changes are included with quoted price. Additional changes are billed at an hourly rate.)
Final Client Review and Approval
Job prepared for printer
CE2 studios | 13000 Vista Del Norte #1438 | San Antonio, TX 78216 | 512.660.2993 (c) or 210.314.7677 (w) |